7 .08 .2024
Applications for the second and final placement period for the 2024-2025 academic year will be received between 12 August-03 September 2024. Applications will be made through the page. It is necessary to register at the first entry to the application page, If you already have an account, you can make a new application through this account.
Only candidates with TR-YÖS scores can choose Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy departments.
2022-2023 YÖS Exam Result Documents of the universities whose YÖS exams are accepted by our university
International and regional Baccalaureate
Diploma Documents of formal education high schools and equivalent schools (Documents belonging to institutions such as open high schools providing distance education will not be accepted.)
First, only applications will be received, and the preference period will open after the applications are evaluated and scored.
All applications will be evaluated out of 100 full points. The scores in the documents submitted in the application will not be used exactly as they are, but will be converted according to the scoring system determined by Fırat University International Student Selection and Placement Commission. Diploma points obtained according to 100 full points will be multiplied by a coefficient of 0.9.
The application evaluation fee is 500₺ and payment will be made online from the application page. Unfortunately, other payment options are not available. If an error is encountered during the payment, please do not try to pay again and again. After the first payment, check your bank account and make sure that the money has been withdrawn. If the payment process is unsuccessful, repeat your payment process. If you have any problems with payment transactions, please contact e-mail address.
In case of application with invalid documents, no refund will be made. Please take this into account and only submit your application if you have one of the valid documents.
Each candidate can apply with only one point in a semester. For this reason, a second application for the same period with the same user account is prevented in the application system. Some candidates may open different accounts and apply with different documents. These candidates are required to make a choice with only one type of score. Otherwise, all applications will be considered invalid.
Candidates are required to submit the original and validity of the documents they uploaded to the system during the application (if they gain the right to register) and it is their responsibility. Otherwise, they cannot claim any rights.
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